Kroger In-Store Shopping
Interaction Design II
Spring 2023
Spring 2023
We all need to eat and for most people, spending loads of money on fast food and take-out is not the most cost-effective approach to curbing our hunger. Grocery shopping adds an unmatched level of personalization to our dietary and financial habits—making a weekly or bi-weekly trip to the grocery store a necessity in everyone’s schedule.
While the emergence of online shopping has created hassle free options for shoppers who have access to such resources, many people still rely on the physical environment. I chose to analyze the in-store shopping experience to try and discover a way to solve the inevitable choke points that may be hindering the maximum potential of the grocery shopping experience.
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Research kicked off the project as a way to understand where the true issues lied within the in-store experience. Surveys, route tracking and benchmarking were imperative to understand where each of these hiccups were occurring, and what direction solutions might take to improve outcomes. The proposed solution was an application that assists users in creating grocery lists and locating items using map-like routing.
Experience Mapping
UX Ecosystem
The ideation process involved testing unique ways to route users through the store. Before any prototypes were made, a series of two task flows were created to guide decision making. As testing ensued, users found it was easier to follow along when the routing method was linked to the user’s grocery list—allowing for satisfying interactivity that resembles a real check-list.
Task Flow 1 – shopping for groceries
Task Flow 2 – finding a specific item
The final solution comes complete as an extension of an existing application which provides the user with complete control over their grocery lists. The routing feature bridges the gap between wanting an item and locating the item. The built in tutorial limits user confusion and provides a more pleasing and hassle-free shopping experience.
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