Flying Pig Marathon

Graphic Design I
Summer 2022

Branding for the Long Run

A staple of Cincinnati culture, the Flying Pig Marathon is best characterized by its rolling hills, exhilarating atmosphere and more than anything: the prideful people of Cincinnati. The Flying Pig Marathon’s brand image has been long cherished by many. Its symbolism goes beyond the finish line—representing a duality of liveliness and grit. A city with such potential deserves a symbol that reflects this notion; so I decided to give the brand a fresh look.

Research and ideation

symbolizing the city

Researching the race history and assessing the race’s current brand helped generate a few preliminary ideas to move forward with the rebranding process. After the initial assessment, a moodboard and a round of low fidelity sketches aided in creating a visual first step.

The first round of sketches were narrowed down and refined into a few differing concepts. These concepts were then further narrowed and iterated to generate a final set of digitized concepts.

Concept ideation

Final Logo

Visualizing the story

The final logo carries the energetic and competitive atmosphere of the event—boasting a prideful teal and a lighthearted pink as its primary colors. The expression of the pig is inviting and encouraging and the curly tail remains as a nod to its former self. The form of the pig captures the essence of the course’s difficult terrain as it slopes and rolls much like the hills of southern Ohio. Typography was chosen to solidify the logo and cement itself and the event as an icon within the world of marathon racing.

Enhancing the Race day atmosphere

The newly designed logo, color and typography were incorporated into a mix of imagery and mockups to create an immersive look at how the new brand can effectively be communicated through digital imagery, social media, printed signage and even as a 3-dimensional backdrop.

A race backdrop was designed to incorporate the brand into a 3D environment—allowing racers, volunteers and spectators to capture a moment of accomplishment that features the newly designed brand and its assets.