Hello there... My name is Frankie. I am a graphic designer from Toledo, Ohio, pursuing a degree in communication design from the University of Cincinnati’s school of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP). I am passionate about telling stories through design—I gravitate towards experiential graphics, wayfinding, brand building and motion design to communicate my and the ideas of others.

I am currently searching for an exciting team to work with in the fall of 2024 for my final co-op semester. With past experience at companies such as MSA Design in Cincinnati, Union Design in New York City (now UDXD), and The Live Well Collaborative in Cincinnati, I hope to continue to expand into diverse environments with people who care about making the world a better place through design.

When I am not designing, I enjoy experimenting with new recipes, tapping away at the piano or lacing up for a run. I draw inspiration from the things that I do so I am always looking for something new and interesting to give a try. Check out my interests below—maybe we can spark up a conversation!

If you are interested in working with me, you can reach me at the contact information at the bottom of the page. Thanks for stopping by!